We provide a comprehensive review of your insurance coverage including insurance archeology work if necessary. We determine the credit worthiness of your historical insurers as well as provide information on their current financial status. Often this involves substantial work due to mergers and acquisitions.

Claim allocation
We provide claim modeling services to determine the best presentation of your claim. This includes analyzing option such as "all sums" versus Pro rata approaches.

Claim billing
and recovery
We provide billing and recovery services designed to expedite your claims collections. This includes negotiating compromise settlements where appropriate.

Policy buyback analysis
and negotiation
Ultimately some claims are best dealt with by the negotiation of a complete policy buyback which can enhance the insurance asset value.

We were retained to recover a small balance due on a previously negotiated London market policy buyback. We performed a comprehensive claim review, determined an appropriate allocation methodology, and created a new billing process. We ultimately concluded a deal that resulting in recovery of millions of dollars.

We reviewed coverage for a client and noticed insurance provided by a London market insolvent entity that we determined had a potential guarantee. We agreed a partial settlement with the insolvent and are now chasing the guarantee.